Sunday, February 24, 2013

Perhaps the Greatest Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe of All Time

An awesome coworker of mine was mean enough to have brought this cookie to work for a meeting.  I thought of nothing else for two weeks.  After finally getting the recipe and the required ingredients, the torture continued.  These cookies are amazing, and they have to be, or no one would take the time to make them.

Now, the recipe is for a chocolate chip cookie, which doesn't do the cookie justice.  It needs to be renamed to something glorious with the word salt in it somewhere.  The Glorious Salted Chocolate Chip Cookie?  The Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Salted Chocolate Chip Cookie?  Eh.  Someone comment below and give it a better name.

The really odd thing about this recipe, to me, is that it calls for both bread and cake flour.  After looking up the difference between the different types of flour out there, bread flour has the highest protein content and cake flour has the lowest.  This has to do with the gluten that is formed.  Now, why you couldn't use AP the middle...I don't know.  What I do know, is that baking is all about science, and this science works, so I'm not going to mess with it.

You have to refrigerate the dough for 24-36 hours before you bake the cookies.  It will be hard.  I used a metal ice cream scooper to form the balls and did it just like ice cream.  When you bake them, they get a lot darker than the usual cookie.  Be careful not to overcook them.

My biggest tip with any cookie is:  Store them in a sealed container with bread!!!  I use whatever I have, and if I don't have bread, I get the cheapest loaf I can find.  The bread gets stale, but the cookies stay super soft.

The second night I made them, we ate them straight out of the oven with ice cream.  Do it.  You won't regret it!

(You know what's really horrible?  I made the daughter pose with the cookie above, but didn't let her eat it!  I'm so mean!  (It was 9:30 in the morning.))

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