Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One-Hour Tutu? Yup, it's true.

I LOVE the idea of this pin.  As soon as I saw it, I couldn't wait to try it.  I thought of all of the colors of tulle they have, the combinations I could try, and how happy the daughter would be.

It worked!  I'm not sure I'll do it again, however.

I ended up using 40 yards of tulle, which I got for $3.81 with a coupon, and I already had the elastic.

It was super easy and I was able to make it based simply on the these...which is good since I'm illiterate.

I didn't take the time to measure each strip of tulle, so it's more punk than ballerina...of course.  It took a couple of hours because of the baby being all needy and babyish and stuff, but I got it done.  It probably would have taken an hour with no distractions.  

So, it was easy and it turned out cute and all, but it's kind of a pain.  I had to finger comb it constantly, and now it's kind of looking a bit ratty.  I think I may like it better this way.  It's fuller, shorter, and fluffier.  What do you think?  It's standing up all by itself.

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